My Services

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Let's get started

Embark on a journey to personal growth and mental well-being with our tailored approach. I understand that each individual's path is unique and I am dedicated to helping you uncover underlying issues, tap into your strengths, and reshape behaviors for a healthier perspective.

I provide a safe environment where compassion meets personalized support. Your unique needs take center stage in my client-centered approach. Join me on your path to wellness, where your mental health is a priority.

Individual Therapy

Remember when you were younger and couldn’t wait to grow up and become an adult? Did you anticipate so many challenges along the way? No one tells you how normal it can be to encounter speed bumps in adulthood. Many people seek out therapy to work through immediate and long-term life stressors, finding new, healthier ways to adapt to life’s complexities.

Eating Disorder Therapy

Eating disorders are complex physical, mental, and emotional disorders. They impact physical functioning, relationships with yourself and others, and engagement in everyday activities. Below are some of the issues I work with around relationships with food and bodies.

Parent Coaching

Parents and caregivers are an integral part of the eating disorder recovery process, and an untapped resource in promoting healing.  Research consistently shows that parental and caregiver involvement leads to better outcomes in long-term recovery from eating disorders.

Eating Disorder Group Therapy

The college years can be difficult to navigate. Those who struggle with eating disorders face challenges such as living away from home, independence with meals, leaving or returning from treatment, social comparison, roommates… to name a few. Group therapy can help people with similar struggles and support one another on the path to recovery. Group therapy is meant to be an additional means of support in addition to individual therapy and a treatment team. 

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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